
  • Been developing SPA for 3.6 years with React, Angular, and StencilJS.
  • Led the redesign of Workterra (@CareerBuilder) from AngularJS to React.
  • Led migration of Clarity (@Broadcom) from Angular to React.
  • Created and designed custom web components (Component Library) using React & MUI.
  • Have an excellent knack for SASS, Bootstrap, and Responsive UI.

Also, whenever I find myself in a tough spot, I do not refrain from asking questions or help from peers/seniors.


  • Languages & Frameworks: Redux, Typescript, ES6/7, and JavaScript Design Pattern.
  • Accessibility Testing: Axe-core, JAWS.
  • Unit Testing: Jest, Playwright, React Testing Library.


  • Created reusable custom Web Components e.g. Slider, Data Tables (multi-functional), Charts, etc.
  • Led the design overhauling from legacy framework UI to React/Angular/StencilJS.
  • Integrated Twilio chatbot with the product’s landing page.
  • Integrated third-party tools and libraries like YFiles, CKEditor, Google Picker API, Dropbox API.
  • Led competitive analysis for requested features.